Monday, January 20, 2014

Rambling On...

I’m really happy to be here this morning even though I can’t think of anything to write.  So I’m just going to keep moving my fingers until my Muse gives me something.  I was interviewed on an Internet radio show this morning and that was fun. Somebody I’ve never met had heard my radio shows and wanted to interview me.  It was fun.  Now it’s over and I have to get back to work.  I have two blogs and one radio show of my own to do.  In addition, I have some reading to do.  I also have some personal things to attend to.  But first, I need to write.
Writing has to be a priority for me or I won’t get it done.  That’s true of anything I want to do.  If I don’t make it a priority, I won’t get it done.  My conditions aren’t optimal.  I have other things to do.  I would prefer to have uninterrupted time with my Muse, but I will take what I can get.  I want quantity and quality.  They go together. So for the next few minutes, I’ll just sit here and work.  I will keep busy and stayed focused.
It’s interesting how much I berate myself for my lack of focus and my ADHD.  The truth is that I’ve accomplished a lot, in the last year and in my life.  So I’m doing something right.  It’s better to stop focusing on what is going wrong and focus and what is going well.
There are many good things in my life.  Here are the things that are going well:
·      I’ve written over 400 blogs in just over a year.
·      I’m healthy.
·      People love me.
·      My Muse loves me.
·      My car runs.
·      I have a great job.
·      I’m able to help a lot of people.
·      The weather is good.
·      I’ve been able to change or at least manage some of my less desirable habits in order to write.
·      My work seems to be getting a little more notice.
·      There are many exciting things to learn.
·      I have people who help me and give me wisdom.
·      I can choose my emotions.  
·      I have a nice place to live.
·      I have certain gifts that are a blessing to me and to others.
·      I have a great sense of humor.
·      I have a keen analytical mind.
·      I’m a good public speaker.
·      I’ve been able to travel.
·      I have goals.

I feel I have a long way to go, but maybe I don’t.  Maybe I’ve come a long way. Either way, I’m not stopping.  There’s always one more step I can take.   I can always Get Started and Keep Going.  I feel like I just rambled on this blog.  Maybe I did, but I got it done.  That’s one more good thing in my life.

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