Thursday, January 9, 2014


“Can you hear me?
 That when it rains or shines
It’s just a state of mind.
Can you hear me?”

John Lennon – Rain

“Let it rain
Let it rain
Let your love rain down on me.”

Eric Clapton – Let It Rain

It looks like it might rain tomorrow.  If it does, I would be very happy.  Here are the things that would make my day perfect:
·      A lot of rain, pouring down fast and hard
·      Being able to stay inside and watch it
·      Knowing my loved ones are warm, safe and happy
·      Being alone with my Muse
·      Spending the day reading and writing
·      Not having to go out at all
·      Cleaning my place
·      Listening to music
·      Taking a nap
·      Writing
·      Writing
·      Writing
·      Making good meals

In southern California, it rarely rains and rarer still are the rainy days when I don’t have a lot of obligations.  I remember one day, the day after Christmas many years ago.  I was preparing for a trip.  I had nothing else to do that but pack.  I didn’t have to go to work or see anyone or be anywhere.  All I had to do was pack.  I lived alone at the time so there wasn’t anyone I needed to interact with or see.  
Outside it was cold and it was raining hard.  I don’t remember the whole day, but I remember being inside, packing, listening to swing music and being very, very content.  It had been a hard year, one of the most difficult of my life up to that point.   Besides that, for some strange reason, every single holiday I had that year, and my birthday, all had something go wrong.  But that day, which turned into night, everything was perfect. 
One of the things I enjoyed the most that day was just being alone.  I am very extroverted, but I am also very introverted.  I think it’s a necessary quality for a writer and perhaps for most creative people who must do their work alone.  I’ve learned that I can happily spend an inordinate number of hours alone.  This isn’t because I don’t like people, but the person I love the most is my Muse.  So technically I’m not alone.  I’m with her.  That’s who I want to be with most of the time.
I can’t be completely without people, nor do I want to be.  I’m not a hermit.  I do, however, need a lot of time alone to write.
I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I’m hoping to get up early so I’m sure to get some time alone with my Muse.  It’s been my goal to start waking up by 5:00 a.m. again.  So I’m going to bed now.  When I wake up, I will Get Started and Keep Going…come rain or come shine.

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