Tuesday, April 1, 2014

House on the Beach

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”

Earl Nightingale – The Strangest Secret

“House on the beach.”
“House on the beach.”
“House on the beach.”
This is what I tell myself in times of fear, uncertainty and troubles.
“House on the beach.”
Why does this help?  It helps because it gets me out of the present and my troubles therein.  It reminds me that there are things to work for, things to do and goals to reach.  It puts things into perspective.  Whatever troubles I’m enduring now will one day end.  I won’t always have these problems.  In fact, one day I will probably look back and think that today’s troubles weren’t so bad.  Thinking about my house on the beach helps me to realize that today.  My troubles aren’t so bad.  There’s a future awaiting me and I can get through my current problems.
There is much writing on the gift of the present and I agree with it.  Staying in the present, specifically this very moment can be liberating and help me to deal with fear or other less desirable emotions.  Sometimes, however, it helps to have what Brian Tracy calls a future orientation,  (No More Excuses) more specifically a goal.  It helps to say, “Yes, the present is tough.  I have a lot to do and I’m feeling the pressure, but one day I’ll….”
At about 5:00 this morning, as I was making the 90-minute drive back home, in the rain, from a late night assignment, I could feel my thoughts getting melancholy and I remembered my house on the beach.   More specifically, I saw the card on my dashboard with the picture of the house on the beach.   Suddenly I remembered what I was doing and why I was doing it.  I remembered the future that hadn’t happened yet.  That made everything better.  It didn’t change the circumstances, but it changed me.  My sadness was replaced with joy and excitement.  My fatigue was replaced with adrenaline.  I was becoming a stronger, happier, and more courageous man.
The problem with living in the future is that we often see it pessimistically.  We think of all the bad things that could or will happen.  All of that is imaginary, until or unless it happens.  And if it does, we will usually have a way to deal with it.  But pessimism is not a future orientation.  Pessimism is just fear.  A healthy future orientation involves goals, work and fun.  It is about something to look forward to.  It can even be about changing the things we fear.  It's about changing ourselves.  It's not something easy or immediate because then we would miss the joys of struggle and achievement, but it's not impossible either. 
I also have to question the word “impossible.”  What is impossible?  For years it was said that no one could run a four-minute mile.  In 1954, Roger Bannister defied that claim and within months several others did the same. “Currently, the mile record is held by Morocco's Hicham El Guerrouj, who ran a time of 3:43.13 in Rome in 1999.” 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four-minute_mile)   Perhaps nothing is impossible.  Perhaps the “impossible” is only a lack of knowledge or effort. 
So today as I go about my tasks and do my best to meet the demands I have accepted, I know it’s not impossible to do so with joy, love, peace and patience.  If fear, anger or sadness come up, I can think about my house on the beach and know that even my thoughts are bringing me closer to my goal.
Incidentally, my house on the beach has two to three bedrooms.  I share it with my Muse.  It is two to three blocks from the shore so that I have some privacy.  Every morning I will wake up around 5:00, put on some coffee and write three pages in my journal.  Then I will write a blog or work on my book or whatever my assignment in life is at that time.  My house on the beach is not just about a house.  It represents spiritual, financial, emotional and professional stability.  It represents all the times I remembered to Get Started and Keep Going.   Is my goal “impossible?”  You tell me.

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