“Hell is a state of mind -
ye never said a truer word. And every state of mind, left to itself, every
shutting up of the creature within the dungeon of its own mind - is, in the
end, Hell. But Heaven is not a state of mind. Heaven is reality itself. All that
is fully real is Heavenly. For all that can be shaken will be shaken and only
the unshakeable remains.”
If I could get rid of just one of
my numerous faults, I would get rid of fear. I hate fear. I
hate what it does to me. I hate
how it closes me off from the world like a coffin. I hate how exhausting it is. I hate how it doesn’t even allow me to consider other
possibilities. I hate how small it
makes me feel. In The Great
Divorce, C.S. Lewis says that Hell isn’t
large; it’s small. He says,
Hell is smaller than one pebble of your earthly world: but it is smaller than
one atom of this world, the Real World. Look at yon butterfly. If it swallowed
all Hell, Hell would not be big enough to do it any harm or to have any taste.”
Maybe that’s why
fear makes me feel so small, because being in fear is like being in Hell. It’s still large enough to consume me
if I let it. It overwhelms me
sometimes. It’s a darkness that
seems as if it will never leave.
But it always
So what I have
going is a cycle. A vicious
cycle. Something triggers a fear
response in me. Perhaps a rumor at
work. Maybe a (misinterpreted)
comment. Possibly a financial
issue. It doesn’t even matter. Here are some fears I’ve struggled
Fear of being broke.
Fear of not reaching my potential.
Fear of illness.
Fear of not being good at my job.
Fear of running out of writing ideas.
Fear of suffering.
Fear of being alone.
I think most of
our fears boil down to the last two.
The irony is that fear is
suffering. It’s some of the worst
and most intense suffering most of us will ever experience. The other irony is that when I’m
trapped in fear, I’m also alone.
It is only when I am not in fear that I can give of myself and love
The good news is
1. Fear
is not real.
2. It
can be overcome.
With regard to the
first, I know fear feels real, especially when we’re in the midst of it, but,
trust me, it’s not. It’s a
phantom. Even if we experience the
worst, and many of us have, we discover that life can still be good and
sweet. Perhaps not immediately,
but we find that we can laugh again.
We discover that we don’t have to suffer forever. We can love again. We can create good out of tragedy. In some cases, we find our purpose from
tragedy and setbacks.
With regard to the
second, fear can be overcome. Here
are some things I’ve done to take me from fear to joy:
Doing “The Work” as described by Byron Katie in Loving
What Is.
Tapping, as described in The Promise of Energy
Psychology by Feinstein, Eden and Craig.
Taking a nap.
Talking to the right person.
Asking for prayer.
Exercising or doing something physical.
Reading something interesting or motivational.
There are probably
other ways. But all of these
methods have taken me from the darkness of fear to the bright light of hope and
Still, my goal,
and perhaps it is an impossible one is to eliminate fear altogether. I never again want to suffer those
debilitating moments when fear surrounds and overwhelms. To quote Lewis again, "What
are we born for?" "For infinite happiness," said the Spirit.
"You can step out into it at any moment...”
I can be happy at any moment. All I need to do is Get Started and Keep Going.
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