Thursday, October 31, 2013

Desert Island Books - List 1

“You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.”

Paul Sweeney

“Books can be dangerous.  The best ones should be labeled ‘This could change your life.’”

Helen Exley

“No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books.”

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

If I could choose only ten books that I would have on a desert island, I don’t think I could do it.  But here goes anyway.  First, here are a couple of ground rules.
·      I have read each of these books several times.
·      I have given away copies of some of them.
·      I have recommended them to others.
·      I have some of them on different formats, such as book and audio book.
·      Some of them have great personal meaning to me.

1.     The Bible.  If I could only choose one, this would be it.  It has history, poetry, literature and best of all it has the power of the Holy Spirit.
2.     The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle.  Other than the Bible, I don’t know of a book that has had a greater impact on my life and thinking.  I literally had a spiritual experience while reading this book.  It doesn’t mean everyone will, but this book precipitated great changes in my life and in my way of thinking.
3.     Loving What Is – Byron Katie.  In some way similar to The Power of Now, but with pragmatic steps that have helped me many times.  Doing “The Work” has lifted pain from me more than anything else but prayer.
4.     The War of Art – Steven Pressfield.  This is another life-changing book. This book is one of the reasons I started writing blogs. 
5.     Hamlet – William Shakespeare.  The language is beautiful and though it’s fashionable to put down Polonius as a meddler and a busybody, I love the advice he gives to his son on how to live life.
6.     The Great Divorce – C.S. Lewis.  The best explanation of the differences between Heaven, Hell and Earth, period. 
7.     The Lord of the Rings – J.R.R. Tolkein.  Technically, it’s four books, but I count it as one volume.  Perfect fantasy and adventure.
8.     Marvels – Les Daniels.  A great book about Marvel Comics up to the late 90’s.
9.     The Naked Now – Richard Rohr.  A guide for those who want to understand and live out the mystical aspects of faith.
10.  The American Presidents – David C. Whitney.  I love U.S. President books.  There are actually several I could choose from.

Okay.  I can’t do it.  Listing only ten books is impossible.  I knew I couldn’t do it.  So I’ll do another list soon.  I have a lot more to write about and a lot more I want to read.  I just have to Get Started and Keep Going…and keep reading.

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