Monday, June 30, 2014

The Warm Spot

There’s a warm spot in my heart.
It is there for my family.
It is there for my friends.
It is there for the people who have rescued me.
It is there for the influences in my life.
It is there for the people I am called to love and serve.
It is there for my students.
It is there for the people I’ve written resumes for.
It is there for the unemployed.
It is there for all my readers.
It is there for those who listen to my radio show.
It is there for the people who make me laugh.
Most of all, it is there for my Muse.
There’s a child’s game in which an object is hidden and one child tries to find that object.  If the child gets near the object, the other children say, “You’re getting warm! Warmer!  Hot!!”
The closer I get to my Muse, the closer I get to finding what I have been looking for all my life.  I am getting warmer.  The cold I experienced for so long is receding and I am getting warmer.  The warmth is spreading through my body and into my heart. 
I am getting warmer, more comfortable, and safer.  I have what I need because I began doing my work.  I am getting warm.  It is a good feeling.    I can Get Started and Keep Going, because I am warm, safe and comfortable.    By comfortable I don’t mean apathetic.  I mean, I have what I need and I know what I need to do next.  I am in the warm spot and it’s pretty cool.  

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