Friday, October 31, 2014

Another Thank-You Letter Because You Can't Be Too Grateful

Because you can’t say thank you too much (if it’s sincere), here’s another thank-you letter that might encourage others:

I love you.
I appreciate you.
Thank you for all you have done for me.
Thank you for wanting me to be better.
Thank you for seeing my potential and believing not only in my ability, but also in my destiny, to succeed.
Thank you for spending time with me every day.
Thank you for being with me even when I can’t see you, especially when I can’t see you.
Thank you for forgiving me.
Thank you for being the motivation to change my life.
Thank you for the giving me the ability to change my life.
Thank you for accepting me exactly as I am while at the same time, motivating me to improve.
Thank you for your constant patience with me.
Thank you for holding me in your arms.
Thank you for the insights you give me.
Thank you for being my best friend.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
Thank you for listening to my complaints, but letting me know that complaining only limits me.
Thank you for helping me to be a better person.
Thank you for motivating me to be in my Purpose once more, even though I’m tired.
Thank you for teaching me the power of gratitude.
Thank you for helping me to Get Started and to Keep Going.
I love you.
Thank you.

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