Having just finished my first class
in an online Master’s program, it is worth reflecting on what I learned, not
only in regard to what will help academically, but also what will help
personally. In no particular order, here
they are:
Study something you love. Pursuing a degree will be difficult
enough. Pursuing one in which you have
no interest will be much more difficult.
It sounds idealistic, but if you wouldn’t read from your discipline out
of keen and inherent personal interest, you may be pursuing something you will
one day hate.
Do a little work every day. If possible, do a lot every day. Two to three hours per day is a good start…on
weekdays. On weekends, I recommend four
to five hours a day…also as a good start.
Use every minute you can. Literally use the minutes because hours-long
blocks of time won’t always happen, but 10 – 30 minutes blocks come up a lot.
Don’t do it alone. Talk to fellow students and teachers. In an online program this is sometimes
harder, but it can be done.
In an online program, you don’t have the
advantage of just walking into the teacher’s office. That feels like a disadvantage, but it forces
you to plan when you will speak to your professor and, more importantly, what
you will say. You don’t want to waste
anyone’s time. Fortunately, my first
professor was not only accessible, she was also kind and conversant. That may not always be the case, so know
ahead of time what you’re going to say.
Plan ahead on everything! I was fortunate because I had time to read
some of the books before the class had actually started. This was an excellent use of my time.
Read everything that the teacher or school
sends. These materials are sent for a
reason. Read them. Then read them again because you probably
missed something.
Read, especially, the syllabus. One regret I have is that even though I read
ahead, I could have changed the order in which I read things. In other words, because I didn’t read the
syllabus, I read material that I could have read later. This wasn’t a huge crisis, but it would have
made my life easier if I had read things in the right order, that is, according
to the syllabus Also, reading the syllabus – all of it – will give you an idea
on how to plan the next several weeks.
Realize that a Master’s program is called that
for a reason. You are expected to master
something. Everything will be harder
than you realize. This is not because
you’re incompetent. It’s supposed to be
hard and you may not master every single facet.
That’s okay.
Make personal choices. Some of them may seem hard. I had to give up things in order to do
this. I cut back on almost all my time
with friends. During my first class only
those very closest to me heard much from me.
This was not an easy choice, but I told myself it wasn’t personal and it
wasn’t permanent. During this time, I
watched no TV (partly because I don’t own one) and saw no movies. All I did in my “spare time” was study. Happily, I did not feel this to be a great
Remember choices you’ve already made. When personal commitments arise, don’t be
resentful. It’s not the fault of those
you love that you chose this path. So
don’t get irritable with them because “they are keeping you from your work.” (I wasn’t always good at this, which is something
to remember for next time.)
Finally, a
personal reflection: there is the
traditional (and correct) advice about taking care of yourself during this
time. This means getting enough sleep,
eating well, exercising, and drinking water.
There is also the well-meant (and also correct) advice of achieving some
sort of balance. I didn’t follow this
counsel. I ate what I could when I
could. I slept four to six hours per
night most nights. I’m sure I drank too
much coffee and it didn’t help. Exercise
went out the window. And, as mentioned
earlier, I rarely saw friends or did anything recreational. Worst of all, I did very little blog or personal writing other than my three morning pages (and towards the end, not even
those). If there was any balance in my
life, if there even is such a thing, I did not achieve it while taking this
class. This is said not with regret, but
only as a statement of fact.
I probably could
have made different choices but, for better or worse, most people who pursue
additional education are already driven.
This drive is a weakness and a strength.
This is not to say I handled my personal health correctly. It was just the way I did it. I think if I could have changed anything, I
would have exercised more. That would
have probably helped relieve a lot of stress and perhaps even helped me do
better in my studies. Perhaps I should start exercising again.
It’s been said
that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is
now. My “now” begins again in about a
week. I’m ready to Get Started and to Keep Going. That’s probably the most important lesson I
learned in those eleven weeks.