“Do I contradict
Very well then, I
contradict myself
I am large
I contain
Walt Whitman
The first time I heard that quote
was in a Literature class at UCSD.
Then one day, almost 20 years later, when someone was chiding me for
some inconsistency in my personality, I quoted Walt Whitman out of
nowhere. Two things shocked
1. How
in the world did I remember that quote?
I was barely paying attention in class and I never looked at Whitman
again afterwards. (I have since
rectified that.)
2. The
lines were true.
a. I
do contradict myself.
b. I
am large.
c. I
do contain multitudes.
I don’t know if
it’s better or worse for me than it is for others, but here’s the thing: My mind entertains dozens of
possibilities, sometimes all at once. I have mild ADHD, or at least ADHD-like symptoms. I always have. It is hard for me to be still and to
stay focused. It is also hard to
make choices, sometimes even the simplest choices. Even now as I’m sitting here and writing I’m thinking
My bed’s not made.
Should I check on my kids?
I have to cancel an appointment.
Am I a good father?
Am I a good writer?
What do I do with my life, my writing, and my mind that
constantly goes in a dozen directions all at once?
Should I take medication?
Should I make my bed?
This gets worse.
Should I practice the presence of God?
Should I live in the Now?
Should I exercise?
Should I be goal-oriented?
Should I strive for wealth?
Should I be content?
Should I write?
Should I make my bed?
Are those all the same thing?
Every day we are
all bombarded with several, dozens, thousands of messages. Maybe they’re countless. They come from parents, family,
friends, the media, religion, books…everywhere. Everywhere. Perhaps this is true of everyone, not just those
of beset with ADHD, but my mind entertains every single possibility. Every. Single.
One. The problem is that
these voices contradict themselves as well. They too are large.
They too contain multitudes.
There are so many choices.
All those voices mean well.
Or maybe they’re trying to control my life. Or maybe both.
Even considering the motivations behind all influences creates more
choices. When sharing how my mind
works with a friend, she laughed and said, “Oh, you think just like a woman.”
I hope that didn’t
sound sexist, but since a woman said it, I laughed too. In their book Men Are Like Waffles;
Women Are Like Spaghetti, Bill and Kathy
Farrel (no relation to me) say that men tend to compartmentalize things so that
they can work at work and be family men at home. Women, however, tend to see the connection in all
things. While this may be a
generalization, I think there’s truth to it. On the other hand, I know women who are far more focused
than me and I know men who can’t leave their work at work or their families at
home. There are so many choices.
I often feel like
Tevye in The Fiddler on the Roof, who
keeps saying, “On the other hand…”
There are so many choices.
When I was a boy
in the 1960’s and early 1970’s Marvel Comics had five TV cartoons on: The Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Iron
Man and the Sub-Mariner, a different one each day. After watching whichever one was on that day, I’d go play
with my friends and I wanted to be the hero I’d just seen. One day my friend, Scott Moore,
complained about this, saying, “If the Hulk is on, you want to be the
Hulk. If Iron Man is on, you want
to be Iron Man.” He was
right. I guess he wanted me to
make up my mind. But I had. At that moment. The next day I would make up my mind
differently. There are so
many choices.

So here’s all I
can do:
First, I need to
make my own choices. Any
choices. Then live with the
consequences and rewards. Maybe
I’ll wind up homeless, broke and alone.
Or maybe I’ll wind up successful, wealthy and loved. Having a lot of choices doesn’t have to
be a bad thing. It’s not
choosing that is the problem. I’m truly fortunate to live in
this time and place in history.
There is unprecedented opportunity here and now.
Second, I need to
stop trying to make everyone happy. This may not sound nice, but the only
people I should be trying to please are God and me. And here’s what I’ve learned about God. He will tell me, very clearly, if I’m
making a wrong choice. Doing what
God wants me to do has always been very clear and easy, even if it was a
difficult choice. Also, He has
only directly spoken to me less than a handful of times, meaning, I suppose,
that He trusts me to make my own choices.
Worse than not
choosing is letting others choose for me. Some of the worst mistakes in my life came from trying
to please others, only to find out later that they would find another reason to
be unhappy with me, or that they would soon fade out of my life, long after I
was still living with the consequences of a bad decision.
None of what I’m
saying means that I don’t consider the wisdom and experience of those who have
gone before me. It doesn’t mean
that I have all the answers or that I’m always right. It means that the ultimate responsibility for my life is up
to me. So are the consequences and
rewards. Here are the guidelines
that have worked for me.
Learn all I can.
Then decide.
Be willing to make mistakes and be wrong.
Live with my choices.
Stand by them.
Apologize if necessary.
Accept the criticism, disapproval and even dislike of
others. (Interestingly, I found
people in this camp are more concerned with their own agenda than what is best
for me. Learning that was a huge
Be grateful for life and for all the opportunities.
Change my mind or my direction.
Be willing to admit that you're right. Often.
I am large. I contain multitudes. And some of my largeness is also grand
and glorious. I prove this every
time I Get Started and Keep Going.
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